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Oracle On Purpose | Lia Dunlap

May 25, 2021

Welcome to the Oracle on Purpose podcast, where we guide conscious leaders to push past their upper limits so that their expanding vision becomes their reality. 

In this new episode, understand why you can be going the wrong way with the Bucket List trap. Waiting isn't the hardest part - it's the worst part....

May 11, 2021

Welcome to the Oracle on Purpose podcast, where we guide conscious leaders to push past their upper limits so that their expanding vision becomes their reality.

In this new episode, we will delve deep into the mindset of how to deal with challenges for success.

I am honored to sit with Dr. Maria Mercedes Dominguez, a...

May 4, 2021

Many people have big visions, ideas, hopes, and goals in their hearts. But they often get stuck around how it could happen and never move forward. In this new episode of Oracle on Purpose, find out how my amazing client, Dr. April Blake, could crush her upper limits and create a business that has grown to reach the...