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Oracle On Purpose | Lia Dunlap

Dec 29, 2020

The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. In this episode, find out how you can take inspired action to finish 2020 strong.

Key areas we covered in this episode: 

  • No matter how much blood, sweat, and tears you shed, the problems are theirs to fix. Setting boundaries can be challenging to navigate but setting them is essential for our mental health, overall well-being, and even our safety. Learn how to set healthy boundaries so you can serve from a place of overflow.
  • Everyone has been forced to pivot, adapt, and perform in the circumstances far beyond anyone's control. We've all learned a lot from 2020, but there's still something that you can do to finish this year strong. Will you give up or give it all that it takes? Your decision today will impact the first quarter of your 2021.

To date my clients have brought in MILLIONS in revenue WHILE doing work that is aligned with their Unique Life Purpose.

2020 is just the beginning…

Only a few spots left this December.

I promise it CAN be that easy! 

Loved this episode? It's time to escape the monotony of shallow work without losing everything you've worked so hard for. Download your FREE Purpose and Prosperity Road Map. Discover the five essential steps to go from frustrated, annoyed, or not living your purpose to a successful purpose-driven leader.