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Oracle On Purpose | Lia Dunlap

Sep 23, 2021

We all know it... the cycle of starting with excitement and falling off the wagon so many times as we attempt to pursue becoming our healthier and fitter selves. You can constantly get distracted and unmotivated. 

Tune in and learn 3 Shocking Things I Learned from My Juice Cleanse... that I never learned from #75Hard.

Key points covered in this episode:

✔️ Mindset is more than mental toughness. Taking on a new health goal isn't just about the eating plan or losing a few pounds. It's about caring for yourself and your body. To succeed, make the mindset shift that isn't all about the scale.

✔️ Consistency is different from commitment. Pushing too hard and too fast, especially when pressing on to achieve weight loss goals, doesn't work for many. Changing our mindset rooted in loving ourselves enough and not to the physical standards we wish to obtain will help us reach goals sooner.

✔️ Partnership over competition. Having a partner who's actually in the same process as you makes the challenging goal of becoming healthier and fitter more doable. Keep each other on track and be supported and lifted up when it gets tough. 

✔️ Take the appropriate steps to get yourself back in alignment, take care & nurture yourself and take a break. I am really excited about this journey that I'm on! I am recalibrating what it means to take care of myself so that I can take care of my clients and my family. I am making the conscious choices to add years to my life and enjoy the best people and business. 


The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for the intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. 

About Lia Dunlap:

Dubbed the Oracle on Purpose, Lia Dunlap's Intuitive Guidance and 25 years of successful operational business experience will help you find your Unique Life Purpose. Get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled again in the work you do. It's time to remember... You are here on purpose. You've got a mission to fulfill, and we are here to make sure, no matter what, you achieve it.

Loved this episode? If you are at that edge and want to thrive and enjoy your life full out, I want to help you. I want to be here to support you and show you how I took the other path and ended up with a life that I still honestly wake up and pinch myself about.